The day of meeting you again!
Hiya. I wasn't here for a long time due to COVID-19 Lock Down. After 7 weeks time I'm finally back to fishing just like rest of anglers here in UK. Straight after Government confirmed that fishing is allowed again I went to see my Manager ASAP and booked 2 weeks off.
Fishing rules got changed a bit and anglers can fish only up to 24hrs or on some waters (like in my fishing club) up to 48hrs.
My first choice was to go to beautiful Broom Lake in Bedfordshire. Lake is based in the middle of nowhere. To get there you need to drive through fields where you can enjoy nice views and simple nature. It's really quiet place far from motorway etc. I managed to catch 3 carps using my favourite set (Ronnie Rig with Concepter pop-up, plus small PVA filled with Concepter Groundbait with flavored liquid). I stayed there for 48hrs and then I was forced by law to get 24hrs break.
After 1 day break I decided to come back to Broom Lake again. I used the same methods as before but I focused more on feeding the fishes with higher amount of Spod Mix and 15mm Concepter boilies. I had carp and few breams.So I realized that my tactic is not successful.
I moved to more difficult lake, full of grass (sea weeds) but also full of amazing carps. On this water you can fish up to 24hrs.
My plan was to find any spot in water free from greens. I used my Deeper Fish Finder Chirp Plus. I Was lucky to find 2 spots. Distance measured using distance sticks and I was ready to throw few spombs full of Spod Mix nad Concepter boilies. 24hrs gone and I had to come back home with blank.
Fullffilled my bags and buckets and I was ready to go to lake based in Essex (day ticket). I took my friend to this lake. He had to travel 4hrs to meet me. As soon as we decided where exactly we're going to seat I prepared 2 different flavors with one zig rig. The set with hair rig Contcepter 20mm Hook Baits with PVA and Ambrosia Ronnie Rig with PVA. My friend Martin decided to do the same but instead of zig rig he used Symulator pop-ups 15mm Ronnie Rig.
I didn't have to wait long for first fish. I couldn't even make a tea because I had to run to my rod. Carp wasn't too big but gave me a hope for more to come. From that time, every couple of minutes, both of us had carps in cradle.
Few moments later I was lost with counting carps. Most of fishes we catched was during the day time which is unusual. Some fishes I catched using Black 7ft Zig Rig dipped in Super Slimy (mango flavored). My total score during this 72hrs was 21 carps and Martin got 13.
I was exhausted and happy at the same time. I came back home to rest before my next 48hrs trip again to Broom Lake. Unfortunately I didn't catch any fish this time. The pressure was quite high as 1035 hPa and temperature above 27°C didn't help at all. It was lovely time out.
By Adrian Jaworski